Tuesday, March 20, 2007

My 1st Month

My first month celebration came a little early. BUT i am happy lah. so many uncles auntie.. grand uncles and grand aunties, GREAT grand uncles and aunties.. if I were to give a "thank you" speech.. it'll eat into my Milk Milk Time till tomolo lah.. but no worries! I have my daddy all captured u on film :)

I heard relatives and fwends came by busload. WoW!~ Heard about the void deck buffet! Man ! I could've joined u leh.. but u know.. me got no toothie yet.. I heard about the Shark Fins Soup lah.. Braised Ducks lah.. Soy Chicken lah! I can't wait to grouw toothie now.. if not, anyone got baby dentures i can borrow bo???
waitasec.. are u guys coming next week??? hahahaha joking lah..

Ahhhh the familiar shoulders.. the familar voice.. my Pei Yue Auntie.... time to sleeep..

And of course finally!!! me, and my parents.. pssst .. Daddy got a booger on his left cheeks. hehehe..
mommy's colleagues eh... see the cute one there?? heheh me lah!

Nice and cosy in grand auntie's arms...

Blue Polo T.. I like this one.. but i think I'm a leeeeeeettle too young leh..

Eh..Grandma comes by with Uncle Karl's gift ... Oshkosh must pay me for this! I demand royalties !!

Reaaaally cannot tahan liow...

tired leh..

Goood spread of buffet !! TOP CLASS !!!

More people having food

Relatives downstairs having buffet

People at home..


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